Tag: myartblog

“Guerrero Poetico” @ Lvag

“Guerrero Poetico” 30×48 mixed media

La Voyage Interview!


Out There Exhibition at The 825 Gallery In Los Angeles

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (24×48)

This piece will be at 825 Gallery in Los Angeles for their “Out There Exhibition”. Opening reception is June  9th from 6pm-9pm.


Art Raffle @ Walter Johnson Middle School

Customized hand painted guitar

Helped out my son’s jazz band class by customizing a beautiful hand painted eagle guitar. It was great raffle and event!

St.Judes Art Class

This was such a special experience! I was invited to teach an abstract art class. I loved how they expressed themselves and really took it serious. I will continue to spread the joy of art and expression!

Beauty Of Abstract

“Her Work Is Never Done” (oils & acrylics 24×36)

Art Exhibit-Live Painting- A interactive experience (July 28th 2017)

Galerie Miscre8- Downtown Las Vegas (353 Bonnerville LV NV 89101)

“Audacious Queen Now At The Delano”

The newest art installation at The Delano has arrived! I am excited to be apart of such a wonderful and powerful installation now thru April! Then These beautiful pieces will be auctioned off at ArtLive2017! Which is such an amazing event In May!
